Clarke, Snow & Riley is a Certified Public Accounting and Management Consulting firm. Our mission is to help you plan, achieve, and manage your business success. We work with entrepreneurs, smaller and middle-market companies, and family businesses in New England, the US, and worldwide.

International Network & Affiliates

Our Global Reach

Clarke, Snow & Riley, LLP is a member of DFK International, a worldwide network of leading independent CPA firms with common professional philosophies. There are over 200 DFK member firms located in 93 countries and in most major cities throughout the world. This network allows us to provide the same level of service as national firms in a cost effective manner. It also allows us timely access to pertinent tax, financial and business consulting information worldwide.

Through DFK, we offer a wide range of services and information on both business and tax matters from virtually anywhere in the world. The DFK network provides us with specialists from around the globe who can supplement the dedicated service and expertise we deliver to our clients. We frequently work in conjunction with our DFK Affiliates for industry specific expertise that enhances client service. We utilize DFK for:

  • Information on foreign tax laws and assistance with tax filings
  • Audits of subsidiaries in other states or countries
  • Information on business protocol in foreign countries
  • Specific industry background and technical assistance
  • International tax research and compliance

Our shareholders are active participants in DFK. Our personal relationships help us connect your business with any market in the U.S. or around the world.

For more information, visit www.dfk.com and www.dfkusa.com.



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